Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pumpkin Oatmeal

I have been craving oatmeal lately! I love it....nom nom nom!

So, there is a huge debate on whether old fashioned oats are better or worse than steel cut ones. According to my man, Mark, oats overall don't really do that much for him. The article and be found here.

Alex and I are steel cut oat fans, but to eat their own. The reason behind our choice of steel cut oats has to do with the fiber and slow digestion is provides. Below is our favorite pumpkin oatmeal recipe:

Place all ingredients into a crock pot/slow cooker:

1 cup of steel cut oats
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
3 1/2 cups of water (more or less depending on your preference of thickness)
1tsp Vanilla
1tsp Nutmeg
Cinnamon/Stevia or Truvia added based on your personal taste.

Cook for approximately an hour (totally depends on your crockpot/slow cooker...this can be so annoying, right!?). Stir after the first five minutes, and intermittently in between as you see fit.

Once your oatmeal is done, I like to stir in some dark chocolate. Yum yum!


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